Monday, November 30, 2009


Well, things are going ok with the assignment. There were some hiccups, including a mistake with someone accidently committing a file prematurely, and thus leaving the project uncompilable. Luckily, we had backups in the tag folder and so we were able to have Fardad wipe out the trunk and committ the working files into it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The project

I'm still getting used to working on such a project with a bigger group. I'm used to doing everything on my own or having to do a larger portion of the code, so it's a bit weird for me to have to rely on others to get the work done. Not that I'm complaining, but it makes me feel that I should be contributing more but I don't know how. The problem is that most of the team isn't communicating with the others and so I don't know how to help them out.

As for my last post, the problem was that the program was when the program ended, the top part of the frame would disappear. By putting in a getch, this stop the program from ending prematurely, so I could see that the frame was being constructed properly.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Windows 7 oddity

I was compiling my assignment 1 today and I noticed that the screen wasn't clearing when it should be. I ran the code before I upgraded to Windows 7 and it worked fine. Sometimes, some characters aren't being output. To be on the safe side, I had a colleague of mine run the code on Windows XP and he didn't experience any problems. I'm concerned about this, since I don't want to donwgrade to Vista, and there isn't any other computers at home that I can use. If anybody else notices these problems, or even better has a way to fix this problems, let me know.

Update: The compile I was using is VCC (I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition).

Monday, November 9, 2009

IO_Frame work

I've started work on IO_Frame but I've seemed to have hit a snag. Whenver I try to compile, I get the error message " error LNK2019". For some reason, it doesn't like how I'm using the io_display function. I'll keep at it but this is fustrating the heck out of me.